Designing for Maximum Recyclability

Successful circular economy initiatives depend on collaboration across the supply chain. And one critical and often weak link of that chain is the relationship between CPG and recycler. While packaging materials are increasingly recyclable, that doesn’t mean that they are actually being recycled. This keynote address will explore how one large multinational CPG and its MRF partner teamed up to develop a coordinated approach to recyclable packaging from the ground up, creating a model for other industry partnerships that can boost not just the recyclability of packaging materials, but the actual rate at which they are recycled. 

In this session, attendees will: 

  • Learn how CPGs and MRFs can better partner to create a more efficient model and increase the likelihood that product packaging will be recovered and recycled. 
  • Learn techniques for how to design packaging for higher rates of recyclability. 
  • Better understand the needs of both brands and recyclers to promote greater collaboration. 
Jeff Snyder Mark Agerton
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