What the Data Tells Us About the State of Recycling

Data is fundamental to any working economic model. Without it, conclusions are based on speculation and conversations are often not much more than brainstorming sessions. In the opening to the Packaging Recycling Summit, we’ll take a look at the data behind sustainable packaging. Attendees will get a firsthand look at the gap between what brands and consumers believe about recycling and what is in fact happening. By better understanding the realities and motivations of each segment of the value chain, all stakeholders can do good as well as profit from the promise of a circular economy. 
In this opening session, attendees will: 

  • Get an inside look at the numbers about packaging materials usage and recycling rates.
  • Understand the current state of packaging recycling and what steps present the greatest opportunities for a more sustainable model.
  • Gain insights into the ways that brands, recyclers and converters and materials makers can better work together to promote increased rates of recycling.
Rebecca Marquez
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