Full Name
Sarah Reeves
Job Title
Executive Director
Chittenden Solid Waste District
Professional Bio

Sarah Reeves is the Executive Director of the Chittenden (Vt) Solid Waste District and has served CSWD in this capacity for eight years. CSWD is responsible for managing the solid waste generated in Chittenden County, which comprises 26% of the population of the state of Vermont. Prior to coming to VT, Sarah spent 15 years working on behalf of the environment: she managed the Recycling Department for Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation, where she oversaw operations, legislative branch outreach, and public information and education, was the Recycling Coordinator for the Town of Smithfield, RI, and worked for the Sierra Club as an environmental advocate and community organizer. Sarah has held certifications in Recycling Systems Management and Landfill Operations from the Solid Waste Association of North America, served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Northeast Recycling Council for nine years, the Board of the Product Stewardship Institute for one year, and is currently the President of the Executive Board of the Municipal Waste Management Association, an affiliate of the U.S. Conference of Mayors.

Sarah Reeves