Pioneering Closed Loop Systems at Universities, Sporting and Concert Venues
Date & Time
Monday, September 16, 2024, 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM
Location Name
Arbor EFG

Many universities and national sport venues provide opportunities for consumers to recycle their purchased beverage bottles and cans, but according to the data, most of this recyclable material isn't actually getting turned into new food grade packaging. There’s a breakdown in the value chain, causing recycling inefficiencies, and The Coca-Cola Company is on a mission to help solve this. This discussion will showcase how The Coca-Cola Company collaborates with universities, sporting arenas and live entertainment venues to become closed loop systems and bring us into a future of more sustainable events. The conversation will delve into how collaboration and partnerships with recycling facilities are the key to enacting innovative, lasting solutions to help drive a circular economy for packaging, at local and national scale.

Jim Velky
Session Type
CPG Talk